Tuesday, September 17, 2019

What is a Christian Worldview of History?

           A Christian worldview of history is knowing a Christian historian needs to start her study in the scriptures, believe that God is over all of history, and understand the importance of what man being created in the image of God is.[1]  If a Christian historian does not know what God says in His word, then she cannot see God in history, or as Dr. Samuel Smith says she will not try to view history using the perspective of God.  This idea of studying history using the perspective of God originated with John Calvin who said, “Christians should view the world through the lens of scripture.”[2] For a Christian to do this, she needs to know what God has said in His word.  Once she understands the scriptures, she can begin to study history with a godly perspective.

                                             Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash


John Calvin - Wikiquote

             When a Christian does not see that God is sovereign over all, then history will only be about facts, events, and dates.  The underlying meaning and purpose for why man exists on earth will be lost to the historian.  Even if a Christian historian cannot know the mind of God, and fully explain why a person such as Hitler was able to exist, she knows that man is sinful, and therefore left to his own devices will choose his own self-interest above others. This allows for her to have confidence that even in the horrific events people suffer through that God has His purposes, and they are leading to the eventual return of Jesus Christ.   

                                                       Photo by Alex Jones on Unsplash

           After a Christian historian realizes the importance that all men are made in the image of God, it will first allow her to know there is significance in everyone who has lived.  Historians tend to focus on the famous, those who had the big ideas, won wars, and contributed to society. While those people are important, in God's view all the people who lived normal, monotonous lives are just as valuable.  By acknowledging this, a historian can remember to study and highlight them when she is delving into the past. Secondly, she will see she has traits God has which are being rational, able to think, reasoned and creative. This should all be reflected in her presentations of history while she shows the complexity and realness of the past.[3]
                                          Photo by Matt Quinn on Unsplash
